

The Business.Govt website has recently sent out their August business insider newsletter. 

You will find this issue includes the following helpful topics:-

  • Payday filing: your questions answered! Last month’s article about payday filing generated a lot of questions and feedback.  They’ve worked with the IRD to bring you some answers.
  • Looking after the wellbeing of your employees.
  • Your ideas are worth protecting – IPONZ has new resources to help you protect your ideas.
  • Company, sole trader or partnership – what should your business be? It’s important to get your business structure right.  They have new tools to help you decide.
  • Landlords: insulate your investment – new legislation comes into force on 1 July 2019.
  • How to keep your website safe.
  • Tips for signing contracts.
  • Employment NZ is on facebook.
  • Immigration basics for employers.

You can read the full newsletter here.

If there is anything in these articles that you would like to discuss further, please call us on 09-636-3332!